Here is what some of our customers have said about us.

Extensive refurbishment in a conservation area presents very real challenges of its own and BAAS is proud of its record of working in partnership with conservation bodies.
"The Muni has a special place in the hearts of local people and the refurbishment was warmly received by the community. Congratulations and thanks to BAAS Construction for all their work."
Colin Whittaker
Design Manager, Pendle Borough Council.

"The five sheltered housing projects demonstrated how possible it is to carry out potentially disruptive refurbishment without unduly disturbing residents."
Chris Barnett
Kirklees MBC, Brooklands Sheltered Housing.

"BAAS appreciates the demands of working with public sector community projects. They were very responsive and keen to add value to the project."
Audrey Thornton
Senior Partner, Arcus Consultants.
Wigan Council.
Trevor Smith
Group Manager, Maintenance and Development, Wigan Council.
"We Value BAAS's non confrontational approach and positive partnering attitude from all levels through the company. Their locally based set-up provides a fully integrated approach which we hope to extend beyond the partnership project"